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2007 NEHA Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey (photos by President-elect, John Davis, Jr. - Alabama Delegate)
2007 Annual Education Conference held at the Riverview Plaza Hotel in Mobile, AL
2006 Annual Education Conference held at the Shoals Marriott in
Florence, Alabama.
William "Bill" Niemeyer is pictured here at his retirement party. Bill retired on June 29, 2007 with 32 years of dedicated service to environmental health with ADPH. His plans are to upgrade his home computer and become a techno pro. He also would like to get a little fishing in as well as tour the country on his new Harley-Davidson motorcycle. AEHA wishes Bill all the best in this golden years and thanks him for his support of AEHA and Alabama's environmental health for so many years.

Photos from "Yester-Year" - click here